Search engine optimization

In today business environment, success is mostly the consequence of your virtual presence and that is not a cakewalk for a novice. Our deft Seo experts conduct website audit with cutting edge Seo tools making your website omnipresent on the web and fitting your business like a glove.
Whenever you enter a keyword in Google, it filters through billions of pages and displays the most relevant pages on the screen. Have you ever pondered how this happened? Why certain websites appear on the top and others not? There might be some logic or science that bring some websites to the top of the search engine result pages (SERP) and that is SEO.
Seo involves a series of tools and practices with the help of which your website attains top rank on search engine result page.
According to latest finding
- 75 % of users never scroll past first page
- Only 8.5% of all the traffic on web make it past first page
- 80% of users online prefer organic search (i.e. Seo)

Shocking revelations aren’t they! But repercussions for your business can be more terrible as you will lose all your business to competitors due negligible virtual presence.
Increased web traffic + increased ROI = profitability
TechCurve Software & Services will solve your Seo woes by making your website visible to online users thus not only increasing traffic to your website but generating leads. The lead generation will in turn increase the profitability of the business.
At TechCurve Software & Services, we assure you that whenever a query relevant to your business is made online, your website always appears on the top of the pages displayed. As your website comes out from the dark and tops the search engine result pages (SERP), so will be your revenue.
How do we achieve this?
There are certain magicians out there, claiming to change your web ranking overnight (using black hat techniques). Our deft team of Seo experts use array of Seo tools with focus on proper keyword research, Seo friendly content etc. We don’t manipulate the data and use white hat technique only as 80% of users online prefer organic search.
The visibility of your website in the virtual world is very imperative for your business. The more you are visible to the online user the higher traffic will come to your website.

Our modus operandi
Initial Website review
Before employing the tools from our Seo arsenal, we analyze your website on different parameter conducting a general audit for detecting problems website is currently facing. Accordingly, we formulate a strategy that is custom designed for your website and execute it.
Seo friendly Content
“Content is the king” and “great content deserves a better rating.” Seo is all about content and at TechCurve Software & Services, we know this very well. if your content is relevant, fresh, appealing it will attract and engage the audience, thereby driving more traffic to your website. We write Seo friendly content for your website.
In-depth Keyword Research
Well, you have written all the creative content but not what is currently grabbing the eye balls of the customer’s worldwide. This is where our nimble professionals come to rescue your ship with in-depth keyword research that your competitors are targeting and formulating a comprehensive keyword strategy for wider outreach.
Removal of Technical glitches
Our team of experts will solve all the technical issues and remove barriers that might have crept due to Bad URL scheme, unstable site architecture, duplicate content etc. These issues might be hampering search engine ability to crawl, interpret, and index the pages of your website.
How it works for you?
Increased traffic
Before, employing our Seo services your website was just like millions of other websites but now tables have turned and it is not like a drop in the ocean but peril in the sea. Our dedicated team of Seo expert work hard to make your website accessible and omnipresent on the search engine result page (SERP)
Revenue generation
We know, your concern is not what strategies we have employed or the tools used but sales generation. Our professionals, not only increase the traffic to your website but generate qualified leads which directly leads to sales generation increasing the profitability of the business.
We at TechCurve Software & Services, don’t hide under the bushes but take accountability for the work we do, so be assured your hard-earned money is in right hands.

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