Customer support

Customer Support

“A happy customer means happy us” and this is not an adage but we truly believe in it. For us “customer is not a sale but long term asset”. Our team of deft professionals handle your queries in a proficient manner and resolve issues within a proper tat. Be it technical support, troubleshooting or any other thing,       we will fix all the issues.



Do you an issue with our software? Don’t wait!

Please call us on +91-7889407561


Email us at:

Our representative will soon get back to you.

What Client's Say

"Working with such an established brand has been a fantastic experience. Top quality on a consistent basis. Also provides a perfect match for the brand identity requirements of our company. On top of this, the feedback that we receive from clients on the products and services offers is always positive. It goes without saying that we look forward to continuing an excellent working relationship with TechCurve Software & Services."

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“A happy client means happy Us!”
By assuring quailty and incorporating futuristc technologies, our work methodology is solely based on the principle that happy clients are the foundation of our success story.